Shakespeare Festival

Available varieties of this First Day Cover - subject to stock
Out of Stock
StockCode: 7807
Wimbledon, Have you taken out your TV licence?, Slogan Postmark
Out of Stock
StockCode: 11785
Stratford upon Avon, Shakespeare Anniversary Year, Slogan Postmark
3d only - very scarce pmk with printed address
Out of Stock
StockCode: 11786
2/6d only - Dark Grey Black variety - very scarce
Out of Stock
Shakespeare Quartocentenary
Issue Date:23 Apr 1964
Issue:23 April 1964 - Shakespeare Festival
Stamp Type:Commemoratives
Stamp Details:3d Puck & Bottom - A Midsummer Night's Dream
6d Feste - Twelfth Night
1/3d Balcony Scene - Romeo and Juliet
1/6d Eve of Agincourt - Henry V
2/6d (non-phos. only) Hamlet contemplating Yorick's Skull
Postmark:London EC, Wimbledon, Stratford upon Avon, St. Agnes, FDI Postmark, Have you taken out your TV licence?, Slogan Postmark, Shakespeare Anniversary Year, Slogan Postmark, CDS Postmark
Availability:Out of Stock
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